Thank you very much for choosing HENNGE One. The purpose of this article is to ensure you, our customer understand the general idea of how to get started with our services and ultimately facilitate a smooth and efficient setup process.
Getting Started with HENNGE One:
These are the steps for us and you to carry out in order to completely set up HENNGE One in your cloud environment starting from us receiving your purchase order until your end users start to utilise our services.
1. Subscribing HENNGE One.
2. HENNGE One Setup Prerequisites (Approximate time : 1 day)
3. Building the HENNGE One Environment (Approximate time : 2-3 days)
4. Configuration Requirements Discussions (Approximate time : 2-3 days)
5. User Announcement (Approximate time : 2-3 days)
6. Setting Up HENNGE One (Approximate time : 1 day)
7. Service Deployment Notification (Approximate time : 1 day)
1. Subscribing HENNGE One
The first step to get started with HENNGE One is to either start subscribing to HENNGE One.
To learn more about HENNGE One, please refer to :
To inquire for subscription, please contact us.
2. HENNGE One Setup Prerequisites (Approximate time : 1 day)
(i) Provide your Domain Information
In order for us to set up the service environment for you, we require you to provide us the Domain Information of your Google Workspace. To do so, please follow the instructions below :
Step 1 - First, log in to the "Admin console" as an administrator of your Google Workspace. After successfully logged in, in the "Home" interface, click on "MORE CONTROLS" and then click on "Domains" as shown as below:
Step 2 - In the "Domains" interface, click on "Add/remove domains".
Step 3 - Here you can see the full list of the domains for your Google Workspace environment. This is the information we require so please capture a screenshot just as below:
After the screenshot has been captured, please send it to your corresponding salesperson/consultant in charged.
3. Building the HENNGE One Environment (Approximate time : 1 weeks)
After getting the Domain information of your Google Workspace tenant, we will begin to build the HENNGE One tenant environment for you.
During this process, if we have any issue in regards to the domain environment, we will contact you for more information.
4. Policy Requirements Discussions (Approximate time : 1 week)
Depending on the needs of your organisation, we can configure the system policy to satisfy the requirements accordingly.
First, we would like you to understand what are the policy configurations our services are capable of providing.
(i) Best Practices of HENNGE Access Control Configurations
(ii) Best Practices of HENNGE Email DLP Configurations
Then, we recommend to have a series of discussions done via Messaging or Video Conferencing tools (i.e : Google Hangouts Or Skype) between you and us to ensure that we are able to come up with the best configurations to satisfy your needs.
5. User Announcement (Approximate time : 1 week)
There is a list of important information that is necessary to be communicated to the end users before your Google Workspace environment be installed with HENNGE One.
The list of important information is consists of :
(i) The URLs for all of the HENNGE One services.
What are the URLs for HENNGE One Services?
(ii) The Login Account Information (Username and Password).
The account information of the users shall be distributed to every single end user so that they can access as soon as HENNGE One is deployed.
(iii) The User Guides for each service.
HENNGE Access Control User Console Guide
HENNGE Secure Browser User Guide (Smartphone) & (PC)
HENNGE Email DLP User Console Guide
HENNGE Secure Transfer User Console Guide
6. Setting Up HENNGE One (Approximate time : 1 day)
The setup processes can be done by referring to various Setup Guides for each and every service accordingly as listed below:
7. Service Deployment Notification (Approximate time : 1 day)
Once the services are successfully set up, the deployment of the services to your environment is considered complete. Then, our consultant will send a notification mail to notify you in regards to information such as below:
1) Contract Duration
2) Number of User Accounts
3) Contract Period
4) Service Deployment Date
5) Service Login Information
6) Contact Information