This article consists of instructions on how to install Device Certificate on your Windows Devices and how to first login with the Device Certificate. You can follow the instruction from the video or the manual written below.
How to install Device Certificate on Windows PC
Step 1 - Open the Notification E-mail from CyberTrust and Click on the link under Step 1.
Step 2 - Click on the "Save" button to save the execution file.
Step 3 - Click on the "Run" button to execute the execution file and install.
Step 4 - Click on "Next" button to follow through the installation process.
Step 5 - Click on "Next" button to follow through the installation process.
Step 6 - Click on "Install" button to continue the installation.
Step 7 - Wait for the installation to run for a few minutes.
Step 8 - Click on "Finish" button to finish the installation of the Cybertrust DeviceID program.
Step 9 - Click on "Start" and Search for the "Cybertrust DeviceiD Importer" program and click on it to begin.
Step 10 - Copy the "Your certificate identifier" in the original E-mail that you have received.
Step 11 - Paste the copied string in the box provided and click on "Import" button to continue.
Step 12 - Click on "Yes" button to confirm the installation of the certificate.
Step 13 - Click on "OK" to confirm on the success of the certificate installation.
Step 14 - Now you can open the IE browser on your Windows PC and visit the login link:, be sure to click on the "Log in with Device Certificate"