Customers who are using HENNGE Email DLP and Box as their email error protection system are targeted.
Configure the necessary settings to disconnect the connection between HENNGE Secure Download and Box.
1. HENNGE Email DLP and Box administrator accounts are required.
2. Rule groups that are linked to the Box in the HENNGE Email DLP will be sent as they are, so please review the rules in advance.
3. The information in this article is based on each product as of May 2023 and is subject to change without notice.
1. Initialize HENNGE Email DLP settings
1.1. From the left menu of the HENNGE Email DLP administration page, select [ Integrations ] - [ HENNGE Secure Download for Box ( HSDB ) ] - [ Configure ].
1.2. Initialize HENNGE Secure Download for Box ( HSDB ) settings.
Click [ Reinitialize ] at the bottom right of [ Reinitialize Settings ].
1.3. Click [ Reinitialize Settings ].
※ Initialization will stop the connection with the currently registered Box Enterprise ID.
※ Currently, if a rule group contains the HENNGE Secure Download for Box ( HSDB ) setting, attachments are not processed and a bounced email is sent.
※ If a rule group contains the HENNGE Secure Download for Box ( HSDB ) setting, it will appear as an affected rule group.