Customers who are using one of the following plans that include HENNGE Access Control API functionality are eligible.
・HENNGE One Basic
What is HENNGE Aceess Control API?
HENNGE Access Control API is an API function for HENNGE Access Control, an IDaaS function included in the HENNGE One cloud security service.
By using this HENGNE Access Control API, user information managed by HENGNE Access Control can be linked with external systems. Specifically, when personnel information, such as when an employee joins or leaves the company, is entered into the HR system, the latest information is synchronized with HENNGE Access Control, and ID creation, modification, and deletion can be performed automatically. This streamlines the data entry and synchronization process and enables seamless ID lifecycle management.
In addition, since access logs can be linked to SIEM, the usage of multiple services can be visualized, enabling early detection of incidents.
Support Policy
The HENNGE Access Control API is not covered by normal product support.
Please refer to the Developer's Site below for details.
Terms of Service
You must agree to the following terms of service in order to use the HENNGE Access Control API.
HENNGE One API Terms of Service