If you cannot resolve the issue with the information in the Help Center
Issues with HENNGE One Services
1. For Customers who have contracted HENNGE One
If the issue is not resolved by the Help Center articles, please contact HENNGE One Support.
Inquiries to the HENNGE One Support desk are limited to those who can access the HENNGE administration screen or are responsible for HENNGE administration. If you are not an administrator, please contact your organization's system administrator or system management department.
If you are an administrator and do not know how to contact HENNGE One Support or if you need to be aware of precautions when making inquiries, please refer to the following article.
Want to know the contact information for HENNGE One Support desk
2. For Customers who do not have a contract for HENNGE One
If you encounter issues such as trouble when emails or files are sent using HENNGE One services from a business partner and you do not have a direct contract with HENNGE One, please contact the sender of the email or file.
Issues not related to HENNGE One Services
For issues not related to HENNGE One services (such as issues with Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace), please contact the respective service providers or agents.