This article is intended for administrators responsible for the initial setup and operational management of HENNGE Secure Browser.
We will explain the settings that pertain to the overall usage of HENNGE Secure Browser and the methods to modify these settings.
1. The content of this article is created based on the product specifications as of September 2023 and may be subject to change without notice thereafter.
2. Actual screen verification and making changes to settings require administrator privileges in HENNGE Access Control.
3. Refer to the following article for how to access the admin console:
Accessing HENNGE Access Control admin console
4. The settings described in this article are configured on a per-tenant basis, and it is not possible to configure different settings for each user.
Setting Descriptions
Settings that affect the entirety of HENNGE Secure Browser can be found in the HENNGE Access Control management interface under the left menu [System] - [Domain Settings] - [Secure Browser Related].
Automatic Device Authentication
This enables automatic approval of device authentication requests from users. Note that this setting can be overridden by configurations in each Access Policy Group.
Please refer to the following article for configuring this in an Access Policy Group.
Creating a New Access Policy Group (Modern View)
Enabled (toggle button in blue state): Allows usage from devices for which there was an automatic usage request for HENNGE Secure Browser.
Disabled (toggle button in gray state): Does not allow automatic usage requests for HENNGE Secure Browser.
If a request is received from a user, you need to follow the steps outlined below.
HENNGE Secure Browser Device Authentication - Steps 3 to 5
Device Authentication Notification Email
This email address is the destination for the notification email sent when an authentication request for using HENNGE Secure Browser is received from a user's device.
If left blank, no notification email will be sent.
If automatic device authentication is enabled, the authentication result will be notified.
Azure AD Tenant ID for Unread Notifications
This is for configuring permission settings via Admin Consent when utilizing the unread notification feature of HENNGE Secure Browser in Microsoft 365.
For more details, please refer to this article.
Unread Notification Settings for HENNGE Secure Browser (Microsoft 365) (Modern View)
Procedure for Changing Settings
1. Clicking the [Change] button to the right of [Secure Browser Related] under [System] - [Domain Settings] in the HENNGE Access Control management interface will reflect changes to each setting value.