Due to a malfunction in HENNGE Access Control, I am unable to log in to Microsoft 365. I would like to temporarily disable the single sign-on integration between Microsoft 365 and HENNGE Access Control. Could you please provide instructions?
If a malfunction occurs in HENNGE Access Control and you are temporarily unable to access Microsoft 365 via HENNGE Access Control, please follow the steps to "1. Disable Single Sign-On" in the following removal procedure.
Disconnect HENNGE Access Control from Microsoft 365 using Microsoft Graph PowerShell (Microsoft 365)
* Passwords set or updated in HENNGE Access Control are not synchronized with Microsoft 365. If you have a new user or do not know the password for Microsoft 365, please follow step "3. Microsoft 365 Password Reset" in the removal procedure above.
Once the issue is resolved, please proceed to reconnect the federation connection.
Federation Connection between HENNGE Access Control and Microsoft 365