I want to change user's name and email address due to a change of name. If users are synchronized with Google Workspace through HENNGE's account provisioning, what procedures should be followed?
Please recreate the user on the HENNGE Access Control admin console with the following steps
1. Change the [Google Provisioning] of the user before the change from [ User ] - [ Users ] to [ Exclude ].
2. Create a new user with the desired information from [ User ] - [ Users ] - [ +Add User ].
*Please set [ Google Provisioning ] to [ Exclude ].
3. Change the user's information in the Google Workspace Admin Console.
Reference: Overview: Changing a Directory user's name or email address
4. Delete the user before the change from [ User ] - [ Users ] (click the trash icon).
5. Change [ Google Provisioning ] of the user created in step 2 to [ Include ].