This is for administrators who have completed the connection to HENNGE Email Archive.
To confirm that HENNGE Email Archive is functioning properly and that emails are being archived.
1. It may take several hours for emails that have been backed up to HENNGE Email Archive to be reflected on the Administration screen.
2. The content of this article is based on the product as of November 2024 and may change without notice thereafter.
Checking Email Logs on the Groupware Side
1. Send and receive the following three types of test Emails across all domains registered with Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.
- Emails sent to external (outside the tenant)
- Emails received from external (outside the tenant)
- Emails sent internally (within the tenant)
Searching in HENNGE Email Archive
1. Refer to the information in the document HENNGE One Login Information, log in to HENNGE Email Archive, and check if all three types of test Emails sent and received in the email log confirmation items on the Groupware side can be searched.
Search for Emails
* It may take several hours for archived Emails to be reflected in the search results. Typically, it takes about 1 to 2 hours for reflection.