- Administrators of HENNGE Access Control
- Administrators who set up one-time passwords for administrator logins
- This article explains the procedure for setting up OTP in addition to ID and password for administrators logging into HENNGE Access Control.
- The content of this article is based on the product as of December 2024 and may be subject to change without notice.
- By following this procedure, users belonging to the set Access Policy Group will require OTP when logging in.
Be sure to set up OTP for all relevant users before starting operations. - In case you are unable to enter OTP due to reasons such as losing your mobile device, it is recommended to store an emergency OTP.
※ For issuing emergency OTP, refer to the section "Using an OTP Emergency Token" in the following article: OTP Issuance Method and Expiration
1. Log in to the HENNGE Access Control Administration screen with the hacadmin account.
2. Access [Access Control] - [Access Policy Groups].
3. Check the policy details and follow one of the procedures below depending on the presence of an administrator policy.
If there is no Access Policy Group for administrators
※ Follow this procedure if the initial setup has not been completed by setting up a new access policy.
If there is an Access Policy Group for administrators
※ Follow this procedure to modify an existing access policy if the initial setup has been completed.
If there is no Access Policy Group for administrators
1. Select [User Portal] from the top right of the administration screen.
2. Click [OTP (One-Time Password) Settings] from the top right of the HENNGE Access Control portal screen and follow the steps below to set up OTP.
Setting up HENNGE Access Control OTP (One-Time Password) in the application
3. Return to the administration screen and create an Access Policy Group for administrators.
Refer to the following article for the procedure.
Creating a New Access Policy Group in Access Control
The settings are as follows:
- Display Name: Administrators (Require MFA)
* Optional: display name set by the customer - Skip OTP Authentication: Never allow OTP to be skipped
- Change OTP shared key: Always allow
- Change OTP notification email: Always allow
- Allowed services: Check all
4. Assign the created Access Policy Group to administrators.
Refer to the following article for the procedure.
Assigning Access Policy Groups to Users (Modern View)
The settings are as follows:
- [OTP] - [Emergency OTP Token]: Add new
※ If OTP setup fails, you will be unable to log in, so be sure to issue and keep it.
※ For emergency OTP, refer to the link "Using an OTP Emergency Token" in the following article:
OTP Issuance Method and Expiration
- [Access Policy] - [Access Policy Group]: Select the Access Policy Group created in step 2
5. Log out from the HENNGE Access Control portal screen.
6. Confirm if you can log in to the HENNGE Access Control administration screen using OTP with the hacadmin account.
Access Control Login Image Using One-Time Password
If there is an Access Policy Group for administrators
1. Select [User Portal] from the top right of the Administration screen.
2. Click [OTP (One-Time Password) Settings] from the top right of the HENNGE Access Control portal screen to configure OTP. Please refer to the following article for the setup steps.
Setting up HENNGE Access Control OTP (One-Time Password) in the application
3. Return to the Administration screen and issue an emergency OTP token for the administrator account on the user edit screen following the steps below.
- [OTP] - [Emergency OTP Token]: Add new
※ Be sure to issue and keep the emergency OTP token as login will be impossible if OTP setup fails.
※ For emergency OTP, refer to "Using Emergency OTP Tokens" in the following link.
OTP Issuance Method and Expiration
4. Edit the administrator Access Policy Group following the steps below.
Please refer to the following article for the steps.
Edit Access Control Access Policy Groups
The settings are as follows:
- Skip OTP authentication: Always require OTP
- Change OTP shared key: Always allow
- Change OTP notification email: Always allow
5. Log out from the HENNGE Access Control portal screen.
6. Verify if you can log in to the HENNGE Access Control Administration screen using OTP with the administrator account.
Access Control Login Image Using One-Time Password