We are pleased to announce that we have confirmed the operation of HENNGE One services on Windows 11, which has been released by Microsoft.
Target Audience
For customers who are considering using the HENNGE One services on Windows 11.
We have conducted basic operation checks of the following HENNGE One services on Windows 11 and have confirmed that the HENNGE One services can be used without problems.
We have also started our HENNGE One support service to Windows11.
<HENNGE One Services>
HENNGE Access Control
HENNGE Secure Browser Desktop
HENNGE Email Archive(*1)
HENNGE Secure Transfer
HENNGE Device Certificate
HENNGE Cloud Protection
(*1) If you are using the Edge browser, a warning message may appear when you select "Format: Outlook PST" in the "Archive Search" > "Download" and download the file. (You can download the file from the "See more" link.)