This article is intended for administrators who perform initial setup and operational management of HENNGE Secure Transfer.
This explains how to check the download logs of files sent by users within the organization in HENNGE Secure Transfer.
1. The content of this article is based on product specifications as of March 2021 and may be subject to change without notice thereafter.
2. HENNGE Secure Transfer administrator privileges are required for actual screen confirmation and settings changes.
3. The URL for the HENNGE Secure Transfer management screen may differ from your tenant.
Please refer to the login information sent to you at the time of introduction for the login URL.
Setting Item Explanation
Settings related to download logs are available by logging in to HENNGE Secure Transfer with an administrator account and navigating to [Management] - [Download Log] on the left menu.
Confirmation from List
You can confirm the files sent by users within the organization in a list format as shown below.
・Date: Displays the date and time the file was downloaded.
・IP: Displays the IP address of the connection when the file was downloaded.
・Client: Displays the browser identification ID that performed the download.
The browser identification ID does not identify the downloader.
Also, if the "Recipient Confirmation" function is enabled, the email address entered at the time of download will be displayed.
・Resource (Owner): Displays the file name and the username of the sender.
・Bundle ID: Displays the unique ID corresponding to the URL created when the file was sent.
Downloading Logs
Select [Download Logs] to download logs in CSV format.
The CSV file contains the following information:
・Column A: Download date and time
・Column B: Browser identification ID
・Column C: Connection source IP address
・Column D: File name
・Column E: Bundle ID
・Column F: File sender
・Column G: File downloader (only when recipient confirmation function is enabled)