For Google Workspace.
For Microsoft 365.
Please tell us if there are some setting examples on filter of the wrong transmission measures service.
The following items are examples that many of our customers has been set.
Please use them against the use scene in your company.
(1)Prevent the wrong transmission by teamwork 【Temporary hold + ZIP encryption】
When you apply temporary hold against e-mail addressed to outside of company, the e-mail addressed to inside of company arrives first. Therefore, the e-mail which was designated to “To: Outside of company” and “Cc: Inside of company” can be find errors by your superiors and colleagues. And they can notify to the sender.
Wrong transmission can be prevented by removing the correspond e-mail within the hold time.
Awareness that "It will be able to prevent the wrong transmission of colleagues by noticing mistake" will grow and company's corporate culture that try to prevent by teamwork for wrong transmission be developed.
(2)Prevent the outflow of specific file 【Delete + Notify the Person】
With HENNGE One, It will be able to delete the transmitted e-mail by checking name of file and specific language in the contents.
Also, it is possible to check the string included in the file name (e.g. “Patient's chart (Mr./Ms.*)”.xls) or file contents.
*The checking can be specified to regular expression such as "customer number: [AZ] {2} [0-9] {6}"
(3)Prevent the large amount of wrong transmission 【Delete + Notify the Person】
If the destination become to more than specified number, the corresponding e-mail can be deleted and the deletion notification will automatically send to sender.
There are many companies which set the large number of destinations and transmit simultaneously, such as information to member or e-mail magazine. It will be able to prevent the accident such as expose all e-mail address of destination because of To or CC are set incorrectly.
(4)Approval is necessary when the user who caused accident send the e-mail in limited time. 【Approval is necessary】
You can set to the e-mail which sent from specified employee will only send after checking and approval by approver.
Employees who leaked information must have some education and some measures in order to prevent recurrence.
There is a risk that commit same mistake, if they only reprimand and submitted a letter of apology.
You should increase his/her awareness of security without delaying business and prevent their same mistake.
(5)Automatic transfer to mobile phone allow to some staff only. 【Transfer control】
It is possible to set that only the specified mobile address can be transferred.
With Google Workspace, you can set the rule that incoming e-mail automatically transfer to specified destination. If you leave the decision to employee about e-mail transfer, it may increase the risk of occurrence of security accident because the e-mail may transfer to home PCs and to mobile phones which security measures are insufficient.
However, you can restrain those risks with this setting.
In initial system introduction, we set the rules as follows by assuming typical customers.
【Examples of initial setting for filtering】
1.Internal rules:
Inside of company ⇒ E-mail addressed to inside of company will be sent directly.
2.Addressed to outside of company Prohibition rules:
Inside of company ⇒ It will removed if an e-mail addressed to outside of company match the specific conditions.
3.Addressed to outside of company General rule:
Inside of company ⇒ E-mail to outside of company will be transmitted after temporary hold 5 minutes and automatically encrypted.