For Google Workspace.
For Microsoft 365.
Some users cannot receive the files with extension [zip].
What are the ways to change the extension of the Password Protected Zip file?
With the feature updated on April 2014, it becomes possible for you to designate the different extension of auto-encrypted file for each recipient.
[Extension of the created ZIP file] settings enables you to change the extension of the file created in the encryption step to the text other than [ZIP].
Only for the user who cannot receive the file with extension [zip], it has become possible to change the extension from [zip] to [zi_] to create the encrypted file and send it.
*It does not mean that it enables to change the encryption format itself.
- Settings procedure
In the [Encryption] – [Define Encryption Type] step
Then, for the extension of the created ZIP file, please select [Generated ZIP Extension].
* Please be aware that the text character available for the extension is restricted as below;
・Half font English numbers and letters, symbols [ _underscore] only
・Less than 5 letters
For the users who have not attend the “filtering lecture session/forum”, settings change service is available at our helpdesk support.
Please inform us for support of your required setting details.