It is possible to customize the password notification e-mail for HENNGE Secure Download for Box.
Please follow the instructions below.
1. Log in to HENNGE Email DLP with an administrator account and select the left menu [ Tenant Settings ] - [ Integrations ].
2. Select [ HENNGE Secure Download for Box (HSDB) ] - [ Settings ]
3. Select [ Password Notification Template ] - [ Customize ]
4. Enter your customizations in each field and select [ Save Changes ] to save your changes.
※The sections that can be changed and the available insert tags are listed at the bottom of this page.
5. Select [ Preview ] and check if the desired contents are reflected in each item on the preview screen.
[ Password Notification Preview ]
This completes the customization of the HENNGE Secure Download for Box password notification e-mail.
Changeable part
・Time zone : Set the time zone to be displayed in the insert tag ((%HEADER-DATE-LOCAL%)) described below.
You can enter an area (Africa / America / Antarctica / Asia / Atlantic / Australia / Europe / Indian / Pacific) or the letters in the name of a major city to see the choices.
・Subject : Sets the subject line of the password notification e-mail sent to recipients. You can also use the insert tag described below.
・Body : Sets the body of the password notification e-mail to be sent to the recipient. You can also use the insert tag described below.
Embedded tag
The following insert tags can be used in the subject line or body of the password notification e-mail
・((%HEADER-SUBJECT%)) : Subject of the filtered email
・((%HEADER-FROM%)) : Header of filtered email From
・((%HEADER-TO%)) : Header of filtered email To
・((%HEADER-CC%)) : Header of filtered mail Cc
・((%MAILFROM%)) : Envelope of filtered e-mail From
・((%RCPTTO%)) : Envelope of filtered email To
・((%HEADER-DATE%)) : Date and time the filtered email was sent
※ ((%HEADER-DATE%)) is taken from the header information of the sent email.
Currently, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is used in email headers sent from Microsoft 365, so the -9:00 value from Japan time is used.
・((%HEADER-DATE-LOCAL%)) : Value of the date and time the email was sent, adjusted to the time zone