Can I exclude only certain file extensions from encryption in HENNGE Secure Download for Box?
This can be done by defining a rule for each rule groups (*).
As an example, create a new rule that does not apply HENNGE Secure Download for Box to a rule group that has [Send with HENNGE Secure Download for Box(HSDB)] selected under [Action] > [Attachments]in the rule, and configure the following settings.
・Actions : (Set according to the original rules.)
・Attachments: Send unmodified
■[Rule Conditions]
・Target : Attachment
・Predicate : with filename
・Pattern : \.zip$
※ This is the condition for excluding files with the extension ".zip".
Reference:Creating the HENNGE Email DLP Rule
(*) The encryption type [File Extensions Not to Be Encrypted] is only valid for ZIP-encrypted transmission, so it does not apply to HENNGE Secure Download for Box.
Please note that for each rule that has [Send with HENNGE Secure Download for Box(HSDB)] selected, a rule definition is required to exclude it.