for Microsoft 365
The notification email from the system shows Date & Time in UTC timezone, is it possible to change to JST?
As of the June 2019 release, Email DLP Admin Console's timezone can be configured and can be set to other timezones including JST (Japan).
For how to configure, please refer to the following article: here.
【Reference Information】
When the time and date are assigned to a notification Email, the time and date information of the Email Header from the original Email is used.
The time and date assigned to an Email message are often given by Mailer and Email Server.
If you are using Microsoft 365, the timezone assigned to the Email message is given by the Exchange Online server.
Since the timezone of the Exchange Online service is UTC, the notification Email will also be assigned a UTC timestamp.
Microsoft 365 の開封通知に異なるタイム ゾーン情報が表示される(Microsoftサポートサイト)