Customers who synchronize user and password information from Windows Server 2016 or later Active Directory to HENNGE Access Control are the target audience.
This document outlines the procedure for installing HDEPasswordFilter.dll to enable the synchronization of hashed passwords to UnixUserPassword during password resets, allowing synchronization with HENNGE Access Control.
1. This operation involves restarting the domain controller.
2. It must be performed on all devices.
3. This article is based on the product content as of February 2024 and may be subject to change without notice due to future updates.
Detailed Procedure and Explanation
Prepare [ Installer_HDEOnePasswordSync ]
1. Acquire [ Password Filter DLL ] from the HENNGE Access Control Management Console
For information on downloading [ Password Filter DLL ], refer to "2. Download Password Filter DLL" in the following help center article.
Procedure for Downloading ActiveDirectory Sync Tool
2. Copy [ Installer_HDEOnePasswordSync ] to Active Directory Domain Controller terminals
Extract the downloaded ZIP file and copy the [ Installer_HDEOnePasswordSync ] folder to all Windows Server 2016 or later Active Directory Domain Controller terminals.
1. Execute PowerShell commands.
* Launch PowerShell as an administrator.
> cd <Path to Installer_HDEOnePasswordSync folder>
> powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install.ps1
> cd C:\work\Installer_HDEOnePasswordSync
> powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install.ps1
2. Confirm the display of the following message.
The script was successfully completed. Please restart Windows Server.
※ In case of errors, please contact the HENNGE implementation or support team.