This article applies to administrators who perform the initial setup of HENNGE Email DLP or operational management.
This article describes how to create notifications for approval on Hennge Email DLP.
1. The content of this article is based on product specifications as of December 2021 and is revised accordingly without advanced notice.
2. HENNGE Email DLP administrator authority is required to view the actual screen and change settings.
Please refer to the following article for details on how to set up an administrator.
Setup/Change the Administrator
3. The URL for the HENNGE Email DLP administration page will vary depending on the customer`s tenant. Access URL e.g. :[ main domain ]
Notification for Filter-related settings can be found by logging into HENNGE Email DLP with an administrator account. Click [Filter] - [Notification for Approval] on the left menu.
This notification is sent when the approver executes an operation, such as approval or rejection for an approval-requested email.
1. Click [+Create].
2. Fill out the form and click [+Create].
The following fields are mandatory.
・Priority: Customer can set the priority from 1 to 99,999. The smaller the value, the higher the priority.
・Policy Name: Enter any value.
・Destination: Select either [To all destination] or [To a specific destination].
If you select [To a specific destination], a field will appear for you to enter a value. For example, enter an email, domain, or subdomain.
・Notification Type: This is an item that cannot be changed.
・Subject: Set the subject of the message that is notified to the sender (applicant) when the operation by the approver is completed.
Customers also can use the insert tag described below.
・Message Body : Sets the body of the message notified to the sender (applicant) when the operation by the approver is completed.
Customers also can use the insert tag described below.
・Language : The tag ((%OPERATION%)) sets the language.
Choose from English, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional), and Chinese (Simplified).
・Time Zone: The insert tag ((%HEADER-DATE-LOCAL%)) sets the time zone.
Area(Africa / America / Antarctica / Asia / Atlantic / Australia / Europe / Indian / Pacific), Or enter the first two letters of the name of a major city to see the choices.
Insert Tag
Customers can use the following insert tags in the subject or body of a Notification for Approval.
・((%OPERATION%)) : Executed Actions
・((%OPERATOR%)) : Approver
・((%OPERATION-COMMENT%)) : Approver comments to be entered by the approver when performing operations such as approving, rejecting, etc.
・((%OPERATED-AT%)) : Operated time.
・((%HEADER-SUBJECT%)) : Subject of filtered email
・((%HEADER-FROM%)) : Header of the filtered email - From
・((%HEADER-TO%)) : Header of the filtered emailー To
・((%HEADER-CC%)) : Header of the filtered emailー Cc
・((%MAILFROM%)) : Envelope of the filtered email - From
・((%RCPTTO%)) : Envelope of the filtered email ー To
・((%HEADER-DATE%)) : Date and time of the filtered email
※((%HEADER-DATE%)) is taken from the header information of the sent mail.
Currently, the email header sent from Microsoft 365 contains Greenwich Mean Time, so the value minus 9:00 from Japan time is used.
・((%HEADER-DATE-LOCAL%)): This value is set in the [Notification for Filter] to specify the sent time of the filtered email.