for Google Workspace / for Microsoft 365
我们的公司正在使用 HENNGE Email DLP 服务来过滤或加密信件的附件,请问我們应该如何确认信件送出是否成功呢?
How to search your filtering history
关于寄送的結果,目前是不能由HENNGE Email DLP 的管理员介面檢查到寄出去的通知是否有傳送成功。
如果您欲確認送件的通知是否有寄送成功。可以把以下的资料傳送给我們的 HENNGE Support。
- 通知 Email 的类型。(如:給收件者的加密通知)
- 寄送日期和时间
- 寄送者的电子邮件地址
- 收件者的電子郵件地址
- 寄送 Email 的 ID(如果您已取得此讯息)
The Notification Email will be delivered in the following format.
If you don't find the Email in the inbox, please look for the Email in the Spam or Trash folder.
If the Email appear to be found in the Spam or Trash folder, please move it to the Email inbox and try again.
○For Sender(※1)
件名:(※2)Request for Notification Setting
○For Recipients:
From:sender Email address (The same Email address as that of the attachment file.)
件名:(※2)Request for Notification Setting
(※1)For notification Emails of senders, please go to the Google Workspace Admin console / Exchange Online Admin Center to check for the log.
Google Workspace Admin Console:
Exchange Online Admin Center:
(※2)Please refer to this article for the notification setting Article
If the password notification for encryption is not delivered to all of the users during the first time setup, it may be likely that the notification setting was not configured correctly.
Please send your inquiries to Customer Success Guide.